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Full Mouth Reconstruction

The terms “full mouth reconstruction” or “full mouth restoration” are interchangeable and used to describe the process of simultaneously restoring all or most of the teeth in both the upper and lower jaws.


The need for full mouth reconstruction can result from a number of different factors:

  • An accident which fractures the jaw or teeth.
  • Teeth that have been lost due to decay or trauma.
  • Teeth worn out due to some type of erosion, such as prolonged acid reflux or severe tooth grinding.
  • Adjustments to the bite (occlusion) that cause chronic complaints of jaw, muscle, and headache pain.
  • Congenital oral problems.


Full mouth reconstruction is a complicated process that can call on all of the disciplines and techniques that we’ve discussed throughout this site. This includes porcelain veneers, tooth colored fillings, re-contouring and re-shaping, CEREC crowns, porcelain bridges, and finally, tooth whitening or ZOOM! Whitening. Depending upon the extent of the damage, a full mouth reconstruction may require root canals and dental implants.



Why Dr. Brian Work and ArtWork Dental?

Keep in mind that this type of dentistry, known as “restorative dentistry,” is a professional specialty. It requires extensive professional training, as well as considerable artistry--you really have to love doing this.


For this reason, patients travel from all over the United States as well as several foreign countries, to have Brian reconstruct their mouths and smiles. There are several reasons for this.


First, Brian has many post-doctoral hours at the prestigious Las Vegas Institute studying reconstructive dentistry, and worked with hundreds of patients rebuilding their smiles.


He has established a national reputation as an expert in the art of reconstructive dentistry.


Since reconstructive dentistry represents a substantial part of our practice, we are set up for it both in terms of expertise and equipment. Our office is equipped with all of the most modern equipment to facilitate full reconstruction (aside from jaw surgery) of the oral cavity.


Finally, Brian is a student of reconstructive dentistry, and spends considerable time and money keeping up on the latest developments in this field.


Go ahead and give us a call; let us know what your questions and concerns might be. We will do our best to answer them and to get you the help and information you need to choose the dentist who is right for you.